About Me

Hey guys, i'm KatieMary02 or just call me Katie, and this is my new blog. So as know one knows anything about me, i'm just going to give you some background information about me.

So I was born in Australia, that's right, i'm an Aussie. I grew up with mum, dad and my older sister. When I was around 1 years old my mum and dad have both decided to have a divorce. Well my sister and I was "ok" with this, only because we were younger and we didn't really understand.

As I got older I started exploring and discovering new things like: dancing, tennis, netball, cats, dogs... pizza. All of those kinds of things. So when I was around 4 turning 5 I started playing tennis, I enjoyed it until... BANG!.. My sister waked me in the face with a tennis racket. Looking back at it now, it's kind of funny.

A couple of months go by and we land at school. Im primary I wasn't really the popular kid, I was usually the shy know that know one really liked. So I was getting picked on and at the end of year 1, we moved schools, moved house, I thought that this was the best thing ever. When I was at the school I didn't know how to make friends or who people were. Just imagine a 7 year old girl moving to a new school, not knowing who anyone was. So I thought that I could hang out with my sister that was in grade 4, but little did I know that she hated me! I annoyed her, I's make her feel embarrassed, and the list goes on and on.

Skipping a couple more years later, I was in year 6, the seniors of the school. I thought that I was the top s***! I thought that I was so cool and I had the best friends, but looking back at it now, I just think they were just rude, stuck up b****'s that didn't know how to act in front of other people. So I liked this kid (i'm not gonna say his name) but I thought that he was so hot and was the most coolest guy in school that everyone liked. And when you look at me, I was just the girl who hung out with year 5's because all of the year 6's were idiots. So I liked this kid but little did I know that he also liked me to. So he asked me to graduation and stuff but then everyone was just so jealous of me and this guy (I think) that I almost cried. But that a totally different story.

So now I am a year 8 (In highschool and single) and my life has changed because of the people that I am surrounded with!

Thank-you guys for reading my first blog of this website and I should hopefully write to you soon!
And I will also be using another blog website, but with all of the same information.


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