My New Best Friend

Hey guys! First of all, sorry I haven't posted in a while.
The reason for this is because, it was my birthday (I turned 14), it was my mums birthday, it was Christmas, it was new years eve and I got a dog. So my December / January has been really busy!

I've wanted a dog (Labrador) for years. I used to have one when I was younger but we gave them away to new people. We named the dog Bowie, who is also named after David Bowie (famous singer, song writer and actor.) We got Bowie one day before my birthday (12th of December.) It has been exactly one month since we got him and he is one years old and I love him to bits. At times...

Here are some photos of when we first got Bowie and our trip to Torquay:

 This photo ^ was when we went to Torquay with the family! Bowie loved the beach and I think he would love to go there again. :) 

The next three photos are of Bowie at my house when we first got him.

Bowie is still a puppy and I am really thankful to have him now in my life :))
Please leave a comment if you want to and give me some suggestions on what you would like to see next!




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