Present Ideas on What to get Your Siblings and Parents

Hey guys,

So here are some ideas on what you can get your siblings, parents, guardians, friends or even a special someone in your life. I have learnt over many years tat it is hard to find a present for someone, especially in a small amount of time. So here, down below, are some ideas i've thought of to help you guys on what to buy for that special person in your life.

- Money
- A hug
- A kiss

Nah i'm just kidding... or am I?

So here are some actual things you can get:

- Perfume
- Books (diary etc.)
- Cute pillows (from typo etc.)
- Art works/Photo frames 
- Pot plants
- Makeup
- Collage of photo of all cutest your memories
- Electronics (phone, ipad etc)
- Hair straightener / Hair curler
- Clothing
- Gift cards
- Stuffed toys (If he/she is younger)

So guys, these are all the things I could thinkof to get for someone you love. If you have idea's of your own, please share with me cause I could use them on what I should get for my family, hehe. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed and have thought of a present, and i'll see you next time.



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