How to get your Body in Better Shape

Hey guys,

So in this post, I'll be giving you some tips that you could use to improve your body. I have done these a lot, (I have pics to show, but not of the actual workout, just how my body looks through these workouts) and these have helped. If you want to have another post on what you should eat or a diet plan just comment or see my other blog and comment there as well. Anyways here we go.

This is my body now: from a side angle and a front angle:

This is a list and how many you can do:

Crunches - 15-20
Sit ups - 20-30
Push ups - 10-20
Lunges - 30-40
Side to side lunges - 10-20
Star jumps - 30
Squats - 25-50
Sumo squats - 20-30
Dips - 20-30
Side leg raises - 10-30
Leg extensions - 20-30
Plank with raising leg - 10
Up and down plank - 10
Mountain climbers - 30-40
Calf raises - 20
High knee's - 20

There is more workouts that you can do. All of these things help you with your core, legs, arms and more. When you think that you can do more than let's say 30 star jumps, the do more. You can always ad in to the list with more workouts, or to just add more things that you might already do and just add these on. Thank-you, and comment below and tell me if this helped you improve your body!



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